Tallgrass Prairie - Adult Education
If you are an adult who would like to learn more about your ecosystem - the highly endangered tallgrass prairie - this class is for you.
Over 2 days - from 9:00 am - 1:00 pm - you will learn:
- Description and location of grassland ecosystems around the world
- Description and location of the prairie grasslands in the United States. What distinguishes them from each other and why there are distinct regions for each type.
- Climate characteristics of the prairie grasslands - discussion on the dominant plants and animals of these systems and what's needed to survive here.
- Management needs of prairie systems.
- Role of fire on the prairie. Why grasses respond favorably to fire and other plant species respond negatively.
- Structure and function of grasses. The major species of grasses in a tallgrass prairie and how to identify them.
- Role of grazing in the biodiversity of the prairie. The difference between cattle and bison grazing.
- Role of both climate and weather on the tallgrass prairie.
- Precipitation - the timing of it and how it affects prairie life.
- Climate change and how it is affecting life on the prairie.
- Woody encroachment and how climate change is impacting this issue.
- How the influx of woody encroachment is impacting life on the prairie and what can be done about it.
- Typical animals of the prairie and how they are adapted for life here.
- Overview of the Konza Prairie Biological Station - the history and mission of the site and how the station works.
- General overview of some of the research occurring at KPBS.
In addition, you will experience:
- Hikes on both days of the KPBS headquarters area to see first-hand the effects of both fire and grazing on the tallgrass prairie and to find and identify the tallgrasses.
This class is designed for:
- Adults who wish to learn more, but are not ready or able to volunteer
- Adults who wish to volunteer at a Konza Prairie docent should participate in docent training, rather than this class
- $40/person
- Limited to 20 people/class
- Payment is due the first day of class - check, Venmo, card, cash accepted
To register:
- Contact Jill Haukos - Konzaed@ksu.edu
- Or call: (785) 587-0381